KnockerBall at Mike's Fieldhouse in Klamath Falls - Knockerball USA

KnockerBall in Klamath Falls

Knockerball Klamath

4500 Foothills Blvd
Klamath Falls Oregon 97603

Phone: 5413316219


Excerpt from the Herald and News:

Mike’s Fieldhouse has added several new activities so that each day of the week, there is an event the complex is hosting, a schedule Mulcare has been hoping to have for the last several years.

The new activities that have been added as of late have been multiple sessions a week of archery tag and knockerball, and will all be included during the packed event that will start Noon, Jan. 27.

Along with knockerball and archery tag, cornhole games, volleyball, ladderball, ring toss, other lawn games and a bounce house will all be featured throughout the day.

The event will run until 10 p.m. each Saturday it is held.

A different element will be added with a band performance at 7 p.m.

Local bands that will perform in order starting this month is Fat Sexy, Code Blue, Black Cadillac Kings and Slap.

The event will be held four times: Jan. 27, Feb. 24, March 31 and April 28.


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