Manuel Walker Nebraska Knockerball Bubble Soccer in Lincoln
KB Meet the Team - Mathew Smith Knockerball Rome


Manuel Walker - Nebraska Knockerball®

Interested in becoming a Knockerball® Owner? The best way to research a new venture is to hear from current Owners!

Manuel Walker, Owner of Nebraska Knockerball® since 2022, answers your questions about their experience as a Knockerball Owner!

KB Meet the Team - Mathew Smith Knockerball Rome
Q. What excited you most about becoming a KB Owner?

A. Starting Nebraska Knockerball in Lincoln gave me the opportunity to spend more time with my family and they get to come to as many events as they want now. We are building this company together and I am teaching my kids about entrepreneurship, customer service and serving in the community. These are lessons that they will take with them as they grow.

Q. What is your most memorable KB moment?

A. We did a post prom party for 900 kids. Everywhere we looked there were kids having the time of their lives. It's all about fun! As we've continued to grow in 2022, we recently signed a lease for a 4,800 square foot indoor facility to be able to host parties indoors or outdoors, year round. This should enable us to grow substantially in 2023.

KB Meet the Team - Mathew Smith Knockerball Rome
KB Meet the Team - Mathew Smith Knockerball Rome
Q. Anything else that you want to share about your experience as a Knockerball Owner? 

A. My goal is to get people up and moving. Everything I do with Nebraska Knockerball is physically engaging fun for all ages. We know some backyards, schools, churches, etc. don't have adequate space so I worked hard to acquire an indoor space where people can play all sorts of games rain or shine. I also make sure that my customer service exceeds my customer's expectations so they keep my name fresh in their minds.

Ready to start your journey as a Knockerball® Owner? Send us an email or contact us today!
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