Tips For Finding People to Play Bubble Soccer - Knockerball USA

So, you’ve seen your first match of Bubble Soccer, otherwise known as Bubble Ball, or as we like, KnockerBall, or maybe you had a chance to play a game at a party or event. However, you’ve come across it, like so many others, you are itching to play. Great, but where do you find the people to play? Like all sports there is a Bubble Soccer community, but it a much newer sport and it doesn’t have the following of traditional mainstream sports.

Although the Bubble Ball community is new and small, it is growing rapidly. Demand for the sport is rising, just like the desire in you to play. Let’s take a look at some ways to find people to play KnockerBall.

Friends and Family

The simplest way to find people to play Bubble Ball with you is to start with your friends and family. A great way to introduce your friends and family to Bubble Soccer is to play a game at a party or gathering at a park or somewhere with a large enough field.

Not only is KnockerBall a wildly fun game to play, but it is great fun for spectators as well. Everyone is sure to have an amazing time and surely some will walk away with a hunger for more KnockerBall.

As much as you would like, you can’t have a party every weekend. Congrats if you can, but most of us can’t, so what do you do once the party is over or if you don’t have enough friends and family to play? Let’s look at more options.

Local Leagues

Bubble Soccer is an exciting, fast paced sport and it is catching on fast. Wherever people see this wild game being played, interest is brewing. Local Leagues for KnockerBall are popping up everywhere. Leagues have room for full teams, or they can usually find a home for single players on existing or new teams forming. If you are a player looking for a team to play with, click here to find a location close to you.

The Internet

In the event there are no KnockerBall leagues in your area, the internet can still be helpful to find people. There are lots of websites where people are connecting online to get together for recreational activities.

Here are just a few:

  • Craigslist – Craigslist has a place for activities where people place adds searching for other people to play games like Bubble Soccer.
  • – Meetup is a place to find people to do things as well. Try the Sports and Recreation category to find Bubble Ball friends near you.
  • – Ok they don’t have any version of KnockerBall, Bubble Soccer, or Bubble Ball on their site, as of the writing of this post. It is only a matter of time and they could have it up by the time you are reading this.

Social Media

If you are reading this article on your computer, phone or tablet, then more likely than not, you are on some platform of social media. Facebook has groups for just about everything. If there isn’t a local KnockerBall group on Facebook, then start one. It’s really easy and you will create a great pool for finding people to play Bubble Soccer.

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are also great places to share your KnockerBall experiences with other people and help to generate interest in your area.


Findaplayer and bvddy are just two of the many apps for the iPhone and android which are designed to help you find people to play sports with. Since Bubble Soccer is so fresh, it may take some of these apps longer than others to get on board. KnockerBall is growing fast and it will soon show up on more of these apps.

We get it, you want to play KnockerBall, but you need people to play. Explore the options listed above and find out which ones will work best for your location and skill level. Or consider starting your own KnockerBall Business.

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